There is a term that has been used by both elected officials and their supporters over the last few years to describe individuals such as myself: “Haters”.
The term is used as a bullying tactic meant to silence those who have an opinion about Johns Creek’s government, what they are doing, what they accept in performance from City Staff, and where they are attempting to take a City that was a runaway success even before the City Council held it’s first meeting.
We know the term “Haters” is being used at City Council Meetings and behind the scenes between the Council Members (including the Mayor) in an effort to intimidate and push dissenting Council Members to go along with the grand schemes those on the Council have pursued at the expense of the majority of the Public for the benefit of the few.
In retrospect, “Haters” may be the best word that could have been chosen by those that are trying to silence us.
We do hate.
We have government overreach.
We hate wasteful spending.
We hate being told our traffic issues are because of neighboring communities instead of just doing the hard work and eliminating our bottlenecks.
We hate government contracts that are renewed despite less than stellar work performed for the residents of Johns Creek.
We hate the push for Johns Creek to be like every other City.
We hate the continued push for higher and higher densities.
We hate being lied to about how awesome the traffic lights were when in fact the lights were not even close to what they were advertised.
We hate the political games played to push agendas with statements that are blatantly false and misleading.
We hate seeing Council Members shut down when trying to discuss the issues on behalf of all residents.
Nearly every Public Comment is followed up with a “Thank you for your comment” from the Mayor. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Anything that questions, challenges or otherwise casts doubts on the direction of this City and the objectives of the current majority on Council is derided and dismissed. Items that are factually correct are portrayed as inaccurate. Even if you were to use the City’s own audited reports to make a point, it is likely you will be told that you are wrong if the point is not what the majority wants.
What should this City Council do with the “Haters”? It should embrace them. Time and again they have pointed out issues with the direction of the City that the majority of the residents simply do not seek If in pursuing their agendas, they cannot answer the questions or objections with honest answers, and instead must resort to chastising and bullying the “Haters”, then maybe the agenda is just not that good.
We do not need to run this City by personal agendas and legacy building. Instead this City needs to be run based on the Charter and what it says we are supposed to be doing as a City.
Until it does, we will continue to bring up as issues and concerns what we see happening. We will continue to challenge the decisions this City is making as it impacts all of us.
If you want to see Johns Creek become just an average City, just sit back, do nothing and hate those labeled “Haters”.
But if you want a truly exceptional City, listen to what the “Haters” are saying. See if there is truth in it.
It’s interesting that I and the others who have been labeled “Haters” are discussed in whispers and behind closed doors. We take our issues directly to the City Council.
And we will continue to do so.
This is a real problem and elected officials are being denied the ability to participate and engage outside of the cameras because they are deemed “guilty by association”. This directly affects the ability of elected officials and residents to work together for good of the community and other elected officials are allowing it to happen. Thank you, Ernest Moosa, for being brave to call out a real problem in our city.
I’m, afraid EJ that the corruptocrat mayor Bodker has pushed the city beyond the citizen’s ability to recover. He and his ‘buddies’ are worthless, corrupt, conniving people unworthy to be elected. They certainly are ‘serving’ the interests of the citizens. I’m glad that I am far away from their ability to ruin my neighborhood.
This is a very articulate and accurate representation of what’s going on now in the city council of Johns Creek Georgia. As an active participant with the t-splost issue, I never for one second thought we would have to suffer through all the construction that’s going to be descending upon Us momentarily. I am appalled at the behavior of the leaders who want to push t-splost through no matter how the Citizens feel. Momma nature