Beer Prices have been skyrocketing under President Biden. And no, it isn’t your imagination. Then are accelerating to the upside again. Beer drinkers across the nation are not going to be happy.

In the chart below you will see the beer price index from breweries from the Producer Price Index(PPI) released today.

Series Id: PCU312120312120
Series Title: PPI industry data for Breweries, not seasonally adjusted
Industry: Breweries
Product: Breweries
Base Date: 198206

Under President Trump, beer prices never had an annual increase as high as just reported for a 12-month period.
And yet, under President Biden, we hit a peak of 6.93% for the 12 months ending January 2023, which fell to 1.25% for the 12 months ending February 2024. Prices are now accelerating again to the upside at 1.84% higher for the 12 months ending April 2024.
When will it end?