As Trump moves forward to become President of the United States(POTUS), you’d think that things were chaotic in DC. Nothing could be further fro the truth. Yes there are some that are getting their feathers ruffled(and that is a good thing).
If you want to see if Trump is actually draining the swamp in DC, watch just how many times he uses his Veto Power. Because if Congress is not getting vetoed legislation sent back to them, then you will know that the Swamp is not being drained.
Yes, the Veto can be overridden. But that takes compromise among those under the Capital Dome. And we have not seen that sort of cooperation for decades. Instead we have had the majority run over the minority not based on solid ideas and concepts, but on sheer force.
Trump can change that quickly and effectively. Trump, hopefully, will not have favorite stooges under the Capital Dome. Hopefully, he will spread out who he goes to to push forward valuable legislation.
Most importantly, Trump can Veto the thousands of Executive Orders put forth by Obama and Company, and do so quickly. Trump, who feels precedent has no value whatsoever, will do more the first week by reversing the bad choices of Obama, than any other POTUS in modern history.
And that is a good thing.