Earnings Crush(ed)

Total Earnings by quarter Up Same Down $952.48 $972.31 $999.32 $983.51 $1,099.24
QTR Change % year over year 49.94% 810 45 767 -13.35% -10.39% -2.96% 3.52% 11.25%

Here’s the pivotal point I have been watching for on the economy.  Less than 50% of the companies listed in the Valueline Index made more money for their most recently reported quarter than they did one year ago.  And the steepness of that drop is severe.

For the most recent data I have, companies earned $952.48 on a per share basis.  That is down from the same period of a year ago of $1,099.24 on a per share basis.

The most recent quarter was also the worst of the last four quarters.

On average, the stocks made 13.35% less in income per share than they did one year ago.  This means that adding up all the stocks that made more than they did a year ago and all the ones that made less than they did a year ago, and the total is down a whopping 13.35%.

Do you think those businesses will be expanding for the rest of the year?  Or fighting for survival?

I have not seen this indicator of mine turn negative since the last recession.  It’s not a normal event, and it indicates that there is something wrong with this economy.

The regulatory and tax burdens faced by American businesses are crushing the bottom line.  Obamacare is crushing the bottom line.

The Federal Reserve, with rising fuel prices year over year, and low unemployment(thanks to a plethora of low paying part time waiter and bartender jobs) will have no choice to but to raise rates at least once more this year.

Those rate increases, which will affect the refinancing of the the debt that American corporations hold at record levels, will decimate the bottom line even further.

These are not one time or one off events.  This is the cost of doing business in the United States today.

Further compounding the bleak picture is the outlook going forward.

Dow 30 Profits Analysis 20160517


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2021
Dow 30 Total Profits(millions) $347,711 $341,897 $351,263 $326,459 $319,660 $351,990 $469,760
Change $24,953 -$5,814 $9,366 -$24,804 -$6,799 $32,330 $143,301
% YOY 7.73% -1.67% 2.74% -7.06% -2.08% 10.11% 40.80%

Above is an analysis of the profits of the DOW 30 Industrials in total dollars earned.

The year 2015 was the worst  since the year 2011.  Adding icing to that cake is the forecast that 2016 will be worse than 2015.

The year 2017 will get us back to the performance we saw in the year 2014.  We have lost years of economic performance gains while the Federal Reserve Bank has constantly told us that we had an improving US economy.

Do the numbers in the table above appear to indicate that our economy has been improving?

Not even close.

The US economy is dead in the water, and is taking on water.  The forecasts for future years are way too optimistic in my view, and there is no economic stimulus available, other than reducing regulations and cutting taxes that will get this economy moving again in a healthy manner.

Prepare accordingly.

Rally Behind Trump and Destroy the Government Party

One after another, the politicians I think I could respect eventually show me their true colors and that they WILL CONFORM to to the hidden leadership of the Government Party (Democrats and Republicans working together behind closed doors) that none of us elect.

How does the Government Party maintain this control over the elected politicians?  The formula seems to be rather simple.

  1. As soon as a new person is elected, get them to toe the line or they will be given lousy assignments, their legislation(no matter how appropriate) will never see the light of day and your district or state will suffer the consequences of base closings and less federal dollars returning home.  Essentially “We will make you appear ineffective”.
  2. The sub parties of the Government Party(Democrats and Republican to you and I) will pressure the big contributors to cut you off and fund challengers if you are not a team player.
  3. Bully, threaten and coerce you to conform behind closed doors, and if that doesn’t work, they will do so in public.

Only a true outsider has a chance to stop that, and only from the White House. Why?  Those that are elected officials have already joined the Government Party.  Those that do not will take a verbal assault from everyone on both wings of the Government Party.

Think Sarah Palin.  Think about the assaults she still gets today from both sides?  Why?  She threatened everything because she did not win her State’s to[ job by playing their game, and if elected, that would have weakened the Government Party going forward.  Everyone in the Government Party knew it.


The frequent and persistent use of the Veto by the next President of the United States(POTUS) will be the ONLY thing that is effective.   It has to be used not with reckless abandon, but with clear determination to reform and reshape what the Government Party produces.

Will the Government Party work for months to get something passed that is clearly wrong for America(They do this all the time btw), and have it vetoed, only to have to work another month to override the veto?  They might do this once, twice or more.  But they will soon figure out that this game is changed.  The electorate (you and I) will know who is clearly going against the Constitution and the will of the people.  We will then have the clear reasons to send them packing.

There are only two ways to break the Government Party and its iron-fist of a hold on the throats of the American taxpayers and citizens: Top-down and bottom up.  Here’s the best chance we have had to change it from the top-down.   Bottom up will take decades.

Of the three outsiders Carson, Fiorina, and Trump, , which one do you think has the courage to say F you to that hidden leadership and their public faces? Because F you is what the American people are trying to say and they refuse to listen.

I think the answer becomes clearer by the day.  The one that they are all focused on daily.  The one they are trying to destroy.  The one that they tried to back into a corner if the Republican wing of the Government Party so he would not run as an Independent.

Yes, the one they are all trying to eliminate from the race despite the fact he is leading in their polls with a strength that they cannot replicate with other candidates.

Interestingly enough, they are also attacking the “insider” Cruz who just might be the strongest contender that is willing to defend the Constitution of the United States as it is meant to be defended.

I feel for the first time that there is a strong chance I will vote for Trump instead of the Libertarian candidate for POTUS, because he IS an outsider, and he will not play the rigged game.

Trump could indeed let us down.  After all, every insider that has made it to the White House has done just that.  One hundred per cent of the time.

If he does, we can quit fooling ourselves that this country belongs to us and acknowledge without fail that it belongs to the Government Party.

Stand your ground, America. We have had enough.

This will be our last chance to save the Republic.

Destroying the Government Party will give Libertarians the opportunity to be heard.

Destroying the Government Party will all our government to be returned to We, the People.

Destroying the Government Party will give us the chance to return to a real Constitutional Government with real checks and balances.

Leave the Government Party in place, and your children will never even understand what the freedoms we have already lost feel like.

It’s your choice.

Are you willing to wait for an insider of the Government Party to rise to the Top and make changes?  That will never happen.

Or are you willing to sound a clear and decisive shot at the Government Party that will break it into pieces?

If so, you know where your support needs to be.

Do it.

Seniority Rules (And Why Our System of Government Falters

In the halls of the Senate and Congress all elected individuals are not treated equally. Somehow this basic tenet of our nation’s existance does not apply to the elected leadership of this nation.

In fact, the system is so weighted that the two candidates that were vying for the Democratic nomination for President would not have been qualified to lead the Senate based upon these rules. I will also promise you that not one first term congressmen will have a shot at being Speaker of the House despite the dismal performance of the current Speaker. The most highly qualified individual will simply not get the job. And so, our nation falters. Continue reading