We are surrounded by roads.And we know that some roads function better than others. Residents of Johns Creek have been suffering for as long as I can recall with roads with intersections that function poorly at best. State Bridge Road in Johns Creek is scheduled to be widened using your tax dollars to add an additional lane in each direction. (Note that it does not say just widen to three lanes)
“State Bridge Road Widening from Medlock Bridge to Chattahoochee River”
As I look at State Bridge Road I see what I will call main intersections and I see side access points. Main intersections are 141 and State Bridge, for instance. Access points intersections of a lesser intensity, many times providing entrance and exit to private properties such as shopping centers and neighborhoods.
For this analysis I am going to discuss the section of State Bridge Road between 141 and the Chattachoochee and continuing as Pleasant Hill Road to Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Continue reading