Here’s What We Do Know About the Trump-Biden Presidential Race

Difference in Support

Trump supporters were more enthusiastic than any Republican candidate over the last 50 years.

Biden support was non-existent.

The Campaign

Trump worked tirelessly campaigning most of the election year and had large crowds wherever he went.

Biden seemed to be staying out of sight as much as possible and his crowds were smaller than Hillary Clinton’s.

The Speeches

Trump could speak hours on end and off the cuff with few, if any gaffes.

Biden consistently misspoke and was incoherent at times.

Trump says America First.

Biden says the rest of the world first.

Campaign Promises

In addition, Trump cut taxes, gave conservatives three Supreme Court Justices, gave the names of others he would nominate if the need arises, and did not get the United States into one new war.

Biden campaigned on raising taxes, refused to discuss the candidates for Supreme Court openings, refused to comment on “packing the court”, and is itching to return to the previous diplomatic ways of the United States.

Election Results

Trump got more Black support, Latino support, Cuban support, and Asian support than he did in 2016.

Consequently, Biden had to get less support from those groups.

Trump got the support of nearly all Police groups in the US.

Biden did not.

Bizarre Results

In Georgia in counties where Trump won, Senator Perdue received even more support.

In counties where Trump lost, like Gwinnett County, liberal issues like mass transit did not pass.

With all of that in mind, Biden got more votes then any other candidate for President other than Trump did in this same race.

And with all of that in mind, Biden got more votes than Hillary Clinton, who was loved and embraced by the left, and was actually able to draw crowds and attract attention.


When your grandchildren discuss this election in Civics class, if it still exists, will they look at this outcome and conclude that something was amiss.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Of Course the Election Process Is Corrupt

It’s hard to watch so many defend what many of us already know to be a corrupt election process. And most of us already know that it is corrupt from the start to the finish, and not just the finish with the counting of the votes.

In the state of Georgia, the election process is not open, honest and fair. The democrats and the republicans control the election process. I am not speaking about candidates who were elected as democrats and republicans that were elected by the Public and then control the process, either.

Instead I am talking about the parties through elected officials, who conspire to keep third party candidates off the ballots as much as possible. And they are successful and it harms all of us.

If these officials do not believe in competition for the election process, you can imagine how they make decisions for other aspects of our lives.

Anyone who has attended a City Council Meeting( my experience has been with the Johns Creek City Council) has seen the underhanded and corrupt processes at work. “Public” debates on issues where Council Members state false facts and both staff members and City Lawyers keep their mouths shut(it’s not their job to correct falsehoods).

So for those individuals, especially the ones who are elected, stating that they see no “widespread or systemic voter fraud? You should shut up.

Every rational voter knows that there is voter fraud. We have witnessed the call for it from elected officials for decades, and we have seen how officials will interpret the rules for their own desires EACH AND EVERY TIME.

The behavior we have seen on our local city councils is the same behavior we are seeing across the nation while counting votes.

None of us are surprised. What we are surprised at is the denial by elected officials, protecting THEIR system, who know better.

Vote for Socialism(and Enjoy the Outcome)

The great election face of 2020 is coming to an end. One can only wonder if the American people have fallen for that farce or are they going to reject it outright.

Joe Biden, while appearing to be the selection of the members of the Democratic Party, was not actually selected by the voting public. Instead, we was left standing by a process of elimination as one by one, the rest of the self-declared candidates dropped out of the democratic primaries before the electorate even had a chance to vote

The only reason it appears that many of the 29 or so candidates run in the first place is to shift the platform of the party, and not to actually win. That is what we see today. Kamala Harris was one of the first candidates to drop out, and yet she is as close to being POTUS as a Biden win and a resigation.

Think about that. For all of the arguments over the unfairness of the electoral college(which works exactly as it was intended), the most liberal Senator in the history of the US is as close to being POTUS as imaginable, yet could not manage more than 3% support in her own party’s primaries.

The rest of us, however, appear to have had enough of the bullshit. We are tired of the riots, the lockdowns, the forced indoctrinations on every feeling someone has that somehow we have to not only accept by support.

I’ve listened to many of Trump’s speeches. He appeals to people that just want to live their own lives.

To the media that has not mattered. Since before Trump took office there has been a concerted effort to cut him off at the knees. A biased media took it upon themselves to right the wrong that they felt occurred when Trump won in 2016 over the Clinton.

In 2016, Clinton was to have the support of nearly all women, every minority in the nation, and every other special interest group under the rainbow. And she lost.

The tears flowed freely on that election night and continue to flow today.

The full-fledged media attack has gone on non-stop. Meanwhile the same media turns a blind eye to a candidate who defends his son despite the evidence and who cannot string together s series of coherent statements that leaves great doubts as to his mental capabilities.

How is that possible?

Someone asked me how can people be so stupid as to believe that higher taxes, open borders, elimination of the Second Amendment, energy dependence on foreign nations, outsourcing our manufacturing to other countries, and elimination of the police will result in Americans being safer overall?

Mass hysteria is the only answer I came come up with.

Mass hysteria led by a media that has normalized and encouraged every sort of belief when there was clear evidence to the contrary.

Just think of the terms we hear everyday that we never heard before. Systemic racism? And that battle cry is coming from multimillionaire ballplayers who live better than 99% of the rest of us?

Black Lives Matter? And yet there are blacks being killed by other blacks in Chicago, Baltimore and other cities every day and no one lifts a finger to do anything?

White people screaming at black people for being white racists? Where does the idiocy end?

Talk of reparations to people who were never slaves paid for by people that never owned slaves? Stevie Wonder wants reparations? Seriously.

People crying over the death of a Supreme Court Justice? People crying that Trump filled a seat on the Supreme Court?

It ends with a resounding Trump victory. It will end when people quit getting participation awards for doing nothing. It will end when people are told if you want a certain outcome, you need to earn it. It is not going to be given to you.

We did not get here over night and it will not be resolved over night. But it will be resolved.

If the majority do not stand up and start challenging elected officials who then ignore the US and State constitutions, then a Constitutional Republic is doomed to failure.

Either way, a reset is coming. Socialism does not work. Communism fails. Only a free people with their individual rights protected can succeed.

No matter what the media says.