Will Ted Metz Spoil The Govenor’s Race?
Despite the presence of Ted Metz, both the Kemp and Abrahms campaigns have had months and months to shape and promote their platforms and agendas. Yet the race is too close to call. This week they began to label Ted Metz, the Libertarian candidate for governor a spoiler. Not even close to the truth.
The vote totals will include all three candidates plus the valid write-in candidates. So for every vote for Ted Metz or a write in candidate, it raises the number needed by the “winner” by 1/2 vote. If Ted Metz gets 300,000 votes, for instance, the winner (Kemp or Abrahms) would need 150,000 more votes than their opponent to win without a runoff.
So who is winning? And by what margin? Do they want to go for the victory on Tuesday? Or should they play the game as they have designed it? One of these two candidates is NOT in the lead. Do their own parties have so much confidence as to ignore that fact? The candidate who is behind should be begging for Libertarians to turn out en masse and vote.
And if neither campaign feels that confident about their numbers, then both should be begging for Libertarians to turn out and vote for their principles.
So do not tell me our votes are wasted. Our votes just might save your candidate to make it to a runoff.
After Tuesday, if there is no runoff, rest assured one of the two candidates would have liked to have one.
They could reshape their campaigns and let the chips fall where they may.
Do you feel lucky Kemp? Do you feel lucky Abrahms? Do you feel confident that your side is in the lead sufficiently to win with 50% plus 1 of the vote? Or should you play for the tie and go into overtime?
It’s not too late to encourage the Libertarians to vote for Ted Metz, for your own good. In fact, it just might be the best move your candidate has ever made.