Should They Be Begging Libertarians to Vote for Ted Metz?

Will Ted Metz Spoil The Govenor’s Race?

Ted Metz Libertarian Candidate for Governor

Despite the presence of Ted Metz, both the Kemp and Abrahms campaigns have had months and months to shape and promote their platforms and agendas.  Yet the race is too close to call.  This week they began to label Ted Metz, the Libertarian candidate for governor a spoiler.  Not even close to the truth.

The vote totals will include all three candidates plus the valid write-in candidates.  So for every vote for  Ted Metz or a write in candidate, it raises the number needed by the “winner” by 1/2 vote.  If Ted Metz gets 300,000 votes, for instance, the winner (Kemp or Abrahms) would need 150,000 more votes than their opponent to win without a runoff.

So who is winning?  And by what margin?  Do they want to go for the victory on Tuesday?  Or should they play the game as they have designed it?  One of these two candidates is NOT in the lead. Do their own parties have so much confidence as to ignore that fact?  The candidate who is behind should be begging for Libertarians to turn out en masse and vote.

And if neither campaign feels that confident about their numbers, then both should be begging for Libertarians to turn out and vote for their principles.

So do not tell me our votes are wasted.  Our votes just might save your candidate to make it to a runoff.

After Tuesday, if there is no runoff, rest assured one of the two candidates would have liked to have one.

They could reshape their campaigns and let the chips fall where they may.

Do you feel lucky Kemp?  Do you feel lucky Abrahms?  Do you feel confident that your side is in the lead sufficiently to win with 50% plus 1 of the vote?  Or should you play for the tie and go into overtime?

It’s not too late to encourage the Libertarians to vote for Ted Metz, for your own good.  In fact, it just might be the best move your candidate has ever made.

Picking Winners and Losers: How Our State Government Functions (Georgia Musical Investment Act)

Georgia’s State government is pretty much like every other government.  They love the idea of picking winners and losers.    Whether or not your business or sector is a winner or a loser is going to depend on a lot of things, but it will not depend on being equal under the law.


HB 155
Georgia Musical Investment Act

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the imposition, rate, and computation of and exemptions from state income taxes, so as to create an income tax credit for certain expenditures by a production company related to certain state certified musical or theatrical productions or recorded musical performances; to provide for rules and regulations and an application process related to such income tax credit; to provide for certain conditions and limitations; to provide for definitions; to provide a short title; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

We apparently need to offer tax credits to production companies to the tune of 15% for Production Companies to come to the State of Georgia.  And if they locate into one of the 100 poorest counties, they could get an additional 10% credit.

And while the tax credit is limited to $5 million the first year, it will expand to $15 million by year three.

If Georgia politicians want a better business environment, then why do they not lower taxes for ALL Georgia businesses?  What game are we playing here?

Is the music industry in crisis?  Is there a reason that they need additional support from the State of Georgia?  Frankly, it doesn’t matter.

When government picks winners, they also pick losers.  Government should not be in that job.

Supply and demand should pic winners and losers.  And under the law, it should not matter if you have started a Music business or a Automotive Repair Shop.  Each should be treated equally.

It’s no wonder the American Public looks at government with disdain.  So much time and energy is spent attempting to engineer outcomes when they should only be administering the framework, and not determining outcomes.

By the way, it passed 157-11 in the Georgia House.  Now it goes before the Senate.  Let’s hope they have a little more common sense.


Georgia’s 6th Congressional District: Proof The House of Representatives Should Double in Size

Georgia’s 6th Congressional District is providing the nation a very clear message.  There are too few Congressional seats, and each one represents too many voters.

The resignation of Tom Price, a Republican from Georgia, and now running Health and Human Services has set off a mad scramble for his vacated seat.

And at $5250 dollars to enter the race, there were no shortage of people wanting to participate in the chase for the seat.  The winner of this race will likely have it for as long as they desire. Continue reading

Georgia’s Job Growth Is Higher Outside of Metro Areas

Despite the general perception that it is the metropolitan areas of Georgia that are its economic engines, the rate of year over year job growth is actually higher outside of those metropolitan areas.  And some of your Metro areas have very dismal growth, despite large state and federal expenditures in those areas. Continue reading

The Right to Bear Arms Vs. Property Rights

In a story today at Breitbart News (link below), a District Judge has stated that your right to defend yourself does not start only at your door.

It’s always good when a judge affirms what most of us already agree with.  But here is where it becomes tricky.

Do your constitutional rights go with you wherever you go, or do they end when you enter property not owned by yourself and not government property?  Are your rights merely extended to you on your own property, in essence?


Continue reading

Rally Behind Trump and Destroy the Government Party

One after another, the politicians I think I could respect eventually show me their true colors and that they WILL CONFORM to to the hidden leadership of the Government Party (Democrats and Republicans working together behind closed doors) that none of us elect.

How does the Government Party maintain this control over the elected politicians?  The formula seems to be rather simple.

  1. As soon as a new person is elected, get them to toe the line or they will be given lousy assignments, their legislation(no matter how appropriate) will never see the light of day and your district or state will suffer the consequences of base closings and less federal dollars returning home.  Essentially “We will make you appear ineffective”.
  2. The sub parties of the Government Party(Democrats and Republican to you and I) will pressure the big contributors to cut you off and fund challengers if you are not a team player.
  3. Bully, threaten and coerce you to conform behind closed doors, and if that doesn’t work, they will do so in public.

Only a true outsider has a chance to stop that, and only from the White House. Why?  Those that are elected officials have already joined the Government Party.  Those that do not will take a verbal assault from everyone on both wings of the Government Party.

Think Sarah Palin.  Think about the assaults she still gets today from both sides?  Why?  She threatened everything because she did not win her State’s to[ job by playing their game, and if elected, that would have weakened the Government Party going forward.  Everyone in the Government Party knew it.

The frequent and persistent use of the Veto by the next President of the United States(POTUS) will be the ONLY thing that is effective.   It has to be used not with reckless abandon, but with clear determination to reform and reshape what the Government Party produces.

Will the Government Party work for months to get something passed that is clearly wrong for America(They do this all the time btw), and have it vetoed, only to have to work another month to override the veto?  They might do this once, twice or more.  But they will soon figure out that this game is changed.  The electorate (you and I) will know who is clearly going against the Constitution and the will of the people.  We will then have the clear reasons to send them packing.

There are only two ways to break the Government Party and its iron-fist of a hold on the throats of the American taxpayers and citizens: Top-down and bottom up.  Here’s the best chance we have had to change it from the top-down.   Bottom up will take decades.

Of the three outsiders Carson, Fiorina, and Trump, , which one do you think has the courage to say F you to that hidden leadership and their public faces? Because F you is what the American people are trying to say and they refuse to listen.

I think the answer becomes clearer by the day.  The one that they are all focused on daily.  The one they are trying to destroy.  The one that they tried to back into a corner if the Republican wing of the Government Party so he would not run as an Independent.

Yes, the one they are all trying to eliminate from the race despite the fact he is leading in their polls with a strength that they cannot replicate with other candidates.

Interestingly enough, they are also attacking the “insider” Cruz who just might be the strongest contender that is willing to defend the Constitution of the United States as it is meant to be defended.

I feel for the first time that there is a strong chance I will vote for Trump instead of the Libertarian candidate for POTUS, because he IS an outsider, and he will not play the rigged game.

Trump could indeed let us down.  After all, every insider that has made it to the White House has done just that.  One hundred per cent of the time.

If he does, we can quit fooling ourselves that this country belongs to us and acknowledge without fail that it belongs to the Government Party.

Stand your ground, America. We have had enough.

This will be our last chance to save the Republic.

Destroying the Government Party will give Libertarians the opportunity to be heard.

Destroying the Government Party will all our government to be returned to We, the People.

Destroying the Government Party will give us the chance to return to a real Constitutional Government with real checks and balances.

Leave the Government Party in place, and your children will never even understand what the freedoms we have already lost feel like.

It’s your choice.

Are you willing to wait for an insider of the Government Party to rise to the Top and make changes?  That will never happen.

Or are you willing to sound a clear and decisive shot at the Government Party that will break it into pieces?

If so, you know where your support needs to be.

Do it.

Conflicts of Interest

As a Libertarian, I understand what it is like to be perceived as being against anything and everything. Those that try to characterize Libertarians in this manner often have a conflict of interest.

There are many conflicts of interest that we are surrounded with each and every day. The best way to address these issues is to be up front and acknowledge that “Yes, here is my conflict of interest, and this is how I will attempt to balance it with the issue”.

Instead, we see the denial of the conflict of interest through carefully worded statements. Statements that seem to give the sense that there is no conflict. But that does not eliminate the real conflict that exists. Continue reading